
Title: “Balancing Act: Navigating Work and Family Life with Dr. Shola Ezekoli”

Welcome to “Balancing Act,” the podcast that explores the art of maintaining harmony between your professional career and your family life. Join us as we engage in thought-provoking conversations with the esteemed Dr. Shola Ezekoli, an internal medicine physician, professional coach, speaker, and author with over two decades of experience.

In this episode, Dr. Shola shares her invaluable insights, practical advice, and inspirational stories to help you find the elusive equilibrium between your work responsibilities and your role as a dedicated family member. Whether you're a working parent, an entrepreneur, or simply striving for a more balanced life, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and actionable tips.

We dive deep into topics such as work-life balance, fatherhood challenges, employee wellness, and strategies for personal growth. Dr. Shola also sheds light on the impact of parental leave policies on workplace wellness and the significance of building a strong support system, especially for immigrant families.

This episode, “Balancing Act” aims to inspire, empower, and equip you with the tools to excel in your career while nurturing your family relationships. Tune in, subscribe, and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Join us in this enlightening conversation, and let's redefine what it means to excel both at work and at home. Don't miss an episode – it's time to strike the perfect balance!
