
Having kids close together in age offers plenty of benefits. If nothing else, the kids will always have someone to play with as they grow up. It’s more likely they’ll develop similar interests too, so it can be a big advantage.

But it also comes with some difficulties for you as parents. The idea might seem very overwhelming, so here’s how to manage kids of close age.


Realize you won’t be able to do as much

When your first child was born you both might have tried to do everything new parents should do. This won’t be possible with your second child because you’ve still got another young one to look after.

Be realistic with where you draw the line. At the most basic level, as long as your new baby is healthy and you’re all getting sleep, then you’re doing a good job. Don’t think about what you haven’t done; praise yourselves for everything you accomplished while caring for 2 or more kids.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

There’s no shame in asking for or accepting help. It’s not a sign you’re bad parents, it’s a sign that you know your limits. If someone offers to go grocery shopping for you, take them up on it. If your parents are local and they offer to look after the kids for a day, don't say no.

Being a parent is a tough job, and being a parent to kids of close age is even tougher. If someone gives you a chance to have a break, take it.

Don’t forget to look after yourselves

Devoting so much of your time and energy into looking after several kids drains you. As time goes on, this can impact your ability to care for your kids because you stop caring about yourself.

Don’t let this happen. Self-care is one of the most important things in anyone’s life, particularly new parents. Work out what it is you need and make time for it. Recharging your batteries in this way will make looking after kids of close age just that little bit easier.

Don’t forget to laugh

When you have kids of close age things can seem to go wrong all at once. Perhaps you were feeding the baby and your toddler managed to make a mess. Perhaps you were bathing the toddler and the baby left a big mess in their nappy.

Never overlook the power of laughing. Sure, it might seem like a trauma to fix this mess, but laugh at it first. It can’t not be funny. If nothing else, it’ll make for some good stories when your kids are older.


When it comes to how to manage kids of close age, the key is to realize you won’t be perfect. One kid is difficult enough, but 2 or more of similar ages can seem impossible. Make sure you and your partner are happy and willing to adapt to the new situation, and everything will work out fine.
