Top Tips to Fix that Nagging Partner
Are you in the doghouse? Do you even know if you are in the doghouse? Let’s be honest. Sometimes it is too easy to miss a signal or a moment of frustration from our Nagging partner. Though they may believe that they are acting completely transparent and obvious, that...
Fighting the Stigma of Being a Stay-at-Home Dad
Parenting roles have drastically changed over the past fifty years. It seems as though they have changed significantly over the past ten. No longer is it expected for women to stay at home and men leave for work. The 1950s is a myth in the reality of actual family...
How to Set and Keep Healthy Relationship Boundaries
What is a Relationship Boundary? If you have read Mark Manson’s article on Relationship Boundaries, then you are probably familiar with the idea of a relationship boundary. However, it isn’t as intuitive as you would think, and boundaries differ wildly based on the...
Four Relationship Challenges After Baby
Babies will change your relationship with your partner, that’s a fact. For many couples it can seem like a difficult time as you both adjust to new ways of living, but it’s possible to find your groove again. Here are some of the ways your relationship will change...
How to Help Your Wife When Breastfeeding
How to Help Your Wife When Breastfeeding So your baby has arrived and for the most part things seem to be going well. One big issue many new parents experience is disruptions to their sleep schedule. This is particularly true for breastfeeding mothers. As the partner,...
How to Support Your Wife During Pregnancy
It’s no secret that pregnancy is a hard time for a woman. But it can also be a difficult time for expectant fathers trying to learn how they fit into the pregnancy equation. Luckily there are plenty of ways you can offer support. Below are some of the best ways to...