
It’s no secret that pregnancy is a hard time for a woman. But it can also be a difficult time for expectant fathers trying to learn how they fit into the pregnancy equation.

Luckily there are plenty of ways you can offer support. Below are some of the best ways to help your wife during pregnancy. What’s more, if you do them without being asked, you’ll earn some serious brownie points!


How to Support Your Wife During Pregnancy


1. Help around the house

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it will make a massive difference to her mental wellbeing. Pregnant women are understandably very tired, so offer to do the following to take some pressure off:

  • Do the cooking
  • Clean the house
  • Change bed linen
  • Prepare the baby’s room
  • Ferry around the kids (if you already have any)

2. Support her physically in Pregnancy

It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to have very low self-esteem. After all, their body is going through a lot of changes, many of which they might not enjoy.

Be sure to show her plenty of affection, such as hugs and holding her hand. Remind her how beautiful she is and why you fell in love with her. Sure, this probably counts as emotional support, but you need to reassure her that she’s still the amazing woman you fell in love with.

Don’t forget to rub her feet; they get very sore when you’re carrying around an extra person all day!

3. Don’t be afraid to ask

While being proactive is always a blessing, one of the best ways to help your pregnant wife is to ask her what she wants from you. How can you help? What does she need from you that’ll make her day easier?

More than anything, asking shows you’re aware that you can be of assistance and that you’re letting her take the lead in how to give this. For many women, this can be better than the help itself.

4. Provide emotional support

Be sure to go to every doctor’s and prenatal visit; this is a fundamental rule. Even routine tests can be a source of anxiety, and having you there will make a big difference.

Also, communicate. Help your wife to make decisions about what tests she should have and how you’ll manage the results. Going on walks together is a great idea because it gives you time alone to talk about things in a neutral setting. And it’s great exercise.

5. Adjust your lifestyle

When your wife is pregnant she’ll have to give up a lot of her potentially favorite things. Help her by giving them up too: smoking, alcohol, even coffee. If she’s making sacrifices for the baby, then the least you can do is make them too.


The best ways to help your wife during pregnancy are to support her in everyday tasks. These will become increasingly difficult as time goes on, so it’s your responsibility to take the pressure off. After all, you’re not the one carrying the baby!
