
How to Help Your Wife When Breastfeeding

So your baby has arrived and for the most part things seem to be going well. One big issue many new parents experience is disruptions to their sleep schedule. This is particularly true for breastfeeding mothers.

As the partner, there’s plenty you can do to help. Here’s how to help your wife when breastfeeding or sleepless.


Offer to help with nighttime feeds

Breastfeeding doesn’t always have to mean it comes directly from source. Consider buying a breast pump and all related accessories so you can help with the feeding.

While you can do this at any time, helping her with nighttime feeds will make a big difference to her sleep routine. Our bodies are hardwired to sleep when it’s dark, so give your wife the opportunity to do so. After all, you can sit and read a book or listen to some music while you’re up; it’s not a big issue.

Take the baby for daytime walks

If you’re working, use your days off to give your wife a break. Her sleep deprivation will likely be worse than yours, so let her take naps during the day to catch up.

Just take your baby for a walk around the block to give your wife some alone time. It doesn’t have to be a long one, but if your wife can have a break from the responsibility of knowing where the baby is, she’ll be able to relax a lot better.

Find things that’ll make her sleepy

Even with sleep deprivation many new moms can find it difficult to sleep when the opportunity arises. The best way to overcome this is to find things that’ll make her sleepy.

Audiobooks are a great option because they give you something soft and relaxing to focus on. Alternatively, radio stations like talk radio or sport score announcements are great. Don’t use TVs or screens, as the light is too stimulating. That’s why radio is a much better idea.

Ensure she’s getting a good diet

Breastfeeding can be very draining on a woman’s body. Make sure your wife is getting a good diet to produce enough milk while staying healthy herself. This starts with plenty of water, but foods high in calcium, iron, and other essential minerals are vital too.

If she doesn’t feel like eating, offer her a smoothie or something. It’s important that she eats well to support milk production, and a good diet can also help with tiredness and mental health too.


When it comes to how to help your wife when breastfeeding, or when she’s sleepless, it’s mainly about taking the pressure off. Breastfeeding is quite a demanding process, so you should offer mental and physical support where possible.

Also, you’ll both be dealing with sleep deprivation, but consider that you’re not the one who’s recently given birth. Your wife needs time to heal, and much of this happens when sleeping. Be sure to offer support however you can when she has difficulty sleeping so you can make her life easier.
